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April 17, 2014

Letters/Notes: from Isee InPoetry [Reflections]

You are an elaborate memory 
Of a once upon a time happily ever after kind of dream
Of what endless determination toward forward progress really means 
And I am lost in descriptions of you given by others 
With high admiration and high cheek bones

The say you went to college and stayed home to be a mother 
You even left to fight for your country
Damn, you are a celebrity by the stories created about your history

But wouldn’t you believe it
Someone told me the other day  
That you were just another around the way girl 
With many notches on her belt 
Little room left for self-esteem or self-respect

You know they gone’ say what they say, BUT IT DON’T MATTER

Your stomach got fatter 
Because of procreation or procrastination;
The bruises on your knees 
Could have been caused by suck D
Or pray to my man Jes’

You know they gone’ say what they say, BUT IT DON’T MATTER

You had dreams of being President of the United States 
And now you work behind a counter serving dinner plates 
In a paper bag 
Cashing paycheck that barely provide enough sustenance 
To make your pants fit tight
But from where I sit they look alright.. .to me

See, they say you got on welfare because that’s all you are worth 
And they say you left your kids 
To be free from restrictions, and domestic duties, and responsibility 
Not to serve your country 

Man, you always seem to be in their mouth?

You know they gone’ say what they say, BUT IT DON’T MATTER

Your pants may not fit like they used to 
And your life may not be going the way you want it to
That empty frame hanging on your wall where your college diploma should be 
But isn’t because of activities that babies bring

You know they gone’ say what they say, BUT IT DON’T MATTER

You misunderstood your purpose and used your body for sex; 
Coming in second best 
Gaining mound of labels and discontentment 
From the prescriptions you now take 
Because of the attention you so craved; 
STD is not the title to a video game

You know they gone’ say what they say, BUT IT DON’T MATTER

Come on now, dry those tears falling down
I mean many lives have been lost before they begun
Maybe this time it would have been a daughter or a son
By father time’s watch the procedure went quick
But you heard the heartbeat coming from it
Right before they suctioned it 

You threw away your night of a passionate mistakes 
A procedure that could have been prevented 
By the restraint of using birth control
You feel your hopes turn cold 
As you become consumed by should haves, would haves, and maybes 
A young woman with angels for babies and you hate yourself for it

You know they gone’ say what they say, BUT IT DON’T MATTER

You now wear depression as a business suit; 
Using it as an excuse 
For your outward appearance
Turning your inward pain into outward gain of sympathy; 
Hoping that someone will notice and come rescue you
You don’t want this bottle of Vicodin to consume you
Oh, what about the pint of alcohol you drank too 
No one wants to hear about how many times he violated you
It happened when you were in high school
And it was probably all your fault too

How dare you walk around with eyes
That seduce the old and young at heart 
Without understanding the intentions of those with rancid thoughts
That scar still burns deeply doesn’t it? 
Branded on you for the world to see
So they can laugh, kick and push you
But never helping you up Queen
Take my hand; understanding is all you need

You know they gone’ say what they say, BUT IT DON’T MATTER

Sleepless dreamer look at me, 
Life may not be going the way you though it should be 
So wipe the dust off your shoulders and dirt off your knees
Scars exist for the world to see 
Because even though we fall down we all have the opportunity
To learn the lessons of the artwork the world left behind by life’s misery

You know they gone’ say what they say, BUT IT DON’T MATTER

Share your story with the rest of the world
Be a scar for some other little girl
And redefine what that means
Because a girl that’s been scarred creates a woman that’s seen
The good, bad, ugly, and in between 
And there will be nay-sayers who don’t understand what you are trying to do?
But they are the ones who just might need your testimony more than you

Because all know they say what they say; people gonna talk  regardless of how hard you pray; and it’s easier to retaliate than look the other way; and you might from time to time want to slap the shit out their face, but keep your mind on your purpose and again I say


It was then that I realized 
That sometimes we are our own worst enemy
And “they” was “I” looking back at me
Silently writing my way toward my destiny, 
Poetry you save me

~Isee InPoetry for The Sincerely, she Project ©2014

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